Challenges General Partners are facing in investor reporting

Challenges general partners are facing in investor reporting

Our clients´ main focus is on profitably managing the assets entrusted to them. There is only limited time to think about a smooth and efficient reporting process. It has to run like clockwork and, above all, the output has to look professional. Gone are the days when it was sufficient for a member of the investment team/Head of Finance to compile a simple PowerPoint report with Excel graphics and present this to investors. Nowadays, this is not up to the high standards or expectations of the general partners and the investors.

Today’s reporting needs to contain the obligatory correct content AND must also always highlight the special aspects of the investment strategy. A “one size fits all” approach does not apply. General partners differentiate too widely in their investment strategy, which is noticeably reflected in the reporting. It is not surprising that reporting is often considered as a company´s business card.

Reporting is multi-faceted

As simple as reporting sounds, the processing is challenging when it comes to the details. Aspects of data quality, data consistency and time dependency must be taken into account. Data often arrives shortly before one’s own reporting obligations and must then be processed quickly and without errors. The correct procedures when external data is unavailable or has been identified as incorrect must also be considered in the reporting process and solutions developed for this.

In addition to these operational issues, there are other reporting challenges that general partners often mention in discussions with AssetMetrix:

  • Controlling and preparing the content that investors are to receive
  • Provision of reporting in more than one language
  • Enrichment of reports with additional data such as ESG

Solving these challenges requires the expertise of specialists who can both understand the content as well as select and implement the appropriate visualisations, in line with already established industry standards.

A report by itself is not sufficient

Once the report has been produced, a lot has already been accomplished – but modern investor reporting today typically comprises at least two delivery channels. On the one hand, there is the quarterly report, which summarises everything that is important in a condensed form. It provides a comprehensive overview of the past quarter and the overall development in one consistent format. On the other hand, portals are usually used to understand the details of the reporting and to create independent analyses. Both in combination allow a general partner to easily answer the questions of internal as well as external stakeholders and to support its own position quickly and efficiently with adequately formatted graphics and tables.

It is integral for absolute data consistency between the channels to exist for the smooth transition from the report to the portal and vice versa.

Our passion is to find a reporting solution for our clients that fits their needs

At AssetMetrix, we strive to ensure that things “work” for our customers and that they do not have to worry about issues such as operational processing or pixel-perfect mapping in a report. With our DWH infrastructure, we also ensure that data is always consistent across all reporting channels. With our established systems and processes, we enable largely automated report production, the results of which are subjected to a final review by our specialists. Everything to ensure that the result meets the highest standards of our clients and their investors.

Contact our team to find the best way to solve your reporting challenges!
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